Transparency / Donations recipts
Unir y Dar
It is an empathy movement from Monterrey in response to COVID-19 pandemic, focused on containing the health, economic, and social emergency in our community through concentrated solidarity efforts.
This movement unites the hearts of individuals, companies, organizations, and families. It allows us all to channel thousands of wills to give urgent, professional, supportive, and transparent support to those who need it most right now.

With the support of businessmen from Nuevo León coordinated by Grupo Monterrey (G10), we seek to amplify the spirit of social responsibility of the community, inspired by the empathy of Monterrey, straightforward, simple, frontal and focused on action: unite and give.

#RespiraNL today unites a group of more than 100 volunteers from Monterrey: engineers, doctors, consultants, industrial designers, and logistics experts, with companies, social organizations and strategic philanthropy foundations, to provide urgent solutions for complementary medical equipment such as splitters, valves oxygen concentrators and protective equipment for hospitals in our community.

Amount raised – Last update: march 10, 2021 2:16 p.m.
In-kind donations: $6,859,830.79 MXN

More information:
Basic needs

#AbrazaNL is an urgent action to support families in our community who, due to loss of employment in the COVID-19 contingency, cannot cover their basic needs: food, services, and medicines. The initiative will give solidarity cards to at least 14,000 families with the support of businessmen from Nuevo León coordinated by Grupo Monterrey and the citizens. The more donations raised for this action, the more we can symbolically embrace in the form of financial support to the families that need it most today.

Amount raised – Last update: march 10, 2021 2:16 p.m.
In-kind donations: $29,616,550.55 MXN


#ReactivaNL is an initiative that aims to boost the domestic economy with personal loans to families from Nuevo León, so they can resume their businesses and thus reactivate the economy of our community once the health crisis is over. A long-range project modeled on high impact international experiences and inspired by Monterrey empathy and our entrepreneurial energy.

#EducaNL is an initiative of the Monterrey Group (G10) within the UNIR Y DAR solidarity movement and promoted by Consejo Nuevo León, whose purpose is to support vulnerable high school youth so that they can continue in line with their studies and receive support. It consists of the delivery of at least 3,000 electronic tablets to students from seven public baccalaureate systems, who will take part in a peer tutoring program and webinars with socio-emotional support topics.
Subsystems of upper secondary education benefited:
– Bachillerato Emiliano Zapata
– Colegio de Bachilleres Militarizado
– Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado (CECyTE)
– Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica (Conalep) Nuevo León
– Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Agropecuaria (DGTA): Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario (CBTA)
– Dirección General de Educación Tecnológica Industrial (DGETI): Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS) y Centro de Estudios Tecnológicos, Industriales y de Servicios (CETIS)
– Telebachillerato
Amount raised – Last update: march 10, 2021 2:16 p.m.

Unir y Dar
Share the stories, efforts, and results on our social networks @fcomunidar #unirydar #comunidar
Today more than ever, everything adds up and any contribution is enormous.
A movement of empathy from Monterrey and solidarity action promoted by the Monterrey Group (G10) and coordinated by COMUNIDAR.
Foundation to Unite and Give.
Transferencia en banregio
Nombre: Fundación para Unir y Dar, A. C.
RFC: FUD1203261M9
Cuenta: 022-03515-001-7
Clabe: 05858 022 03515 00174
Para tramitar su recibo deducible, favor de llenar sus datos dando Click aquí
IMPORTANTE: Los recibos de donativos se deben solicitar dentro del mismo mes del donativo, de lo contrario ya no se podrá emitir en meses posteriores, esto por disposiciones fiscales.Transferencia en banregio
Nombre: Fundación para Unir y Dar, A. C.
RFC: FUD1203261M9
Cuenta: 022-03835-001-7
Clabe: 05858 022 03835 00171
Para tramitar su recibo deducible, favor de llenar sus datos dando Click aquí
IMPORTANTE: Los recibos de donativos se deben solicitar dentro del mismo mes del donativo, de lo contrario ya no se podrá emitir en meses posteriores, esto por disposiciones fiscales.Transferencia en banregio
Nombre: Fundación para Unir y Dar, A. C.
Cuenta: 022-03507-001-3
Clabe:05858 022 03507 00137
Para tramitar su recibo deducible, favor de llenar sus datos dando Click aquí
IMPORTANTE: Los recibos de donativos se deben solicitar dentro del mismo mes del donativo, de lo contrario ya no se podrá emitir en meses posteriores, esto por disposiciones fiscales.